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Tracking Renewable Energy for the U.S. EPA’s Clean Power Plan

Renewable energy - windmills - laptopThe Center for Resource Solutions has posted a free webinar that explains how existing renewable energy certificate (REC) tracking systems can be used as an integral part of state compliance for the EPA’s Clean Power Plan.

On its website, the Center says that REC tracking systems, together with state policies designed to increase the production and use of renewable electricity, will be critical to states looking to use renewable energy like wind and solar to reduce the carbon intensity of their power sector. This presentation is intended for air and electricity regulators, as well as renewable energy advocates that are interested in participating in the Clean Air Act Section 111(d) comment period.

Speakers are CRS Chief Counsel Robin Quarrier; David Farnsworth, Senior Associate at Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP); and CRS Senior Project Manager Rachael Terada.

View the presentation slides by visiting

Watch the webinar.

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