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The State of Cybercrime Today: Threats and Solutions

ISACAISACA offers a free on-demand webcast on the threat of cybercrime.

Cybercrime continues to grow in scope and scale, with losses to consumers and businesses across numerous sectors in many countries.

The webcast covers:

  • The top trends in cybercrime today and how they are manifesting themselves in different market sectors
  • Where cybercrime is coming from
  • The business impact of cybercrime and the primary concerns
  • Why these criminals are so successful
  • What is wrong with various aspects of security today (people, process, technology, etc.)
  • Effective solutions to combat cybercrime

A nonprofit, independent membership association, ISACA helps business and IT leaders maximize value and manage risk related to information and technology. Founded in 1969, the nonprofit, independent ISACA is an advocate for professionals involved in information security, assurance, risk management and governance.

See the on-demand webcast.

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