Counsel News and Events for Attorneys and Executives

Legal and Effective Reference Checking and Education Verification

By on August 26, 2014 in Employment, On-Demand Webinars will present a complimentary webcast on verifying past employment and education and obtaining references. The webinar will be Thursday, Sept. 4, beginning at 2:30 p.m. Eastern time.

Les Rosen, Attorney and CEO of Employment Screening Resources, will be the presenter.

On its website, says this workshop reviews legal and effective technique for the reference checking process and how to verify education and spot phony credentials. There are now even web sites where applicants can purchase very convincing fake eduction and employment histories, complete with authentic looking documentation and live operators who will verify the false information. New technologies and approaches will also be reviewed, as well as special issue involving international credentials and the role of Web 2.0 in the process, says.

Register for the webinar.


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