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Advanced Integrative Practice: A Road Map for Ultra-Collaborative Project Delivery

By on October 30, 2014 in Construction, Contracts, On-Demand Webinars

Construction design planningEngineering News-Record presents a complimentary on-demand webinar designed to provide a roadmap for arriving at a high-performance building team capable of the collaboration and innovation necessary to compete.

“Help has arrived for building teams that are itching to collaborate using conventional project delivery models—and contracts—rather than risk-and-reward-sharing integrated project delivery,” Engineering News-Record says on it website.

Speakers in the webinar are contributors to a new e-book titled “Advanced Integrated Practice: Create a Culture of Deep Collaboration,” published recently by the Alliance for Construction Excellence.

Speakers will describe all of the features, principles and practices necessary to implement AIP on projects.  They will lay out the somewhat intimidating changes in corporate culture required to fully implement AIP.  For this, they will offer techniques to use to immediately to manage scope, cost, schedule, quality and safety.  They will also present tools to prepare for enhanced performance.

Register for the on-demand webinar.


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