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Advanced Contract Negotiations

By on August 21, 2014 in Contracts, On-Demand Webinars

ACCThe Association of Corporate Counsel offers a free on-demand webcast focusing on advanced drafting and negotiating strategies that may be used in connection with virtually every type of contract. The webcast was sponsored by Arent Fox LLP.

The strategies discussed in this 90-minute webcast are useful for technology agreements, contracts concerning the provision of products and services to state and local governments, and agreements relating to mergers and acquisitions.  The presenters also discuss how to respond effectively to various drafting and negotiation strategies that the other party may employ.

Speakers are Alan Fishel, Partner, Arent Fox; and Jessica Lorden, Associate General Counsel, IBM Corporation.

Kendrick Royer, Assistant General Counsel, Occidental Petroleum Corporation, is moderator.

Watch the webcast.

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