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Why This Lawyer Increased His Fees During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By on May 22, 2020 in Law Firm Management

Lawyer, Robert Theofanis launched his estate planning practice in mid-2019. His “plan was to start off with below-average fees and by the end of the first year increase them to the high end of the market,” discusses Theofanis in ABA Journal’s Your Voice.

After working his way through those clients, he started charging his published fees, which were about average for the area.

He was hitting his stride at the start of 2020 and felt it was time to increase his fees. “At the time, I was in the middle of a marketing program and decided to hold off on increasing fees until after I updated my website with new marketing content.”

“Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit.”

In the end, he decided to raise his fees for two reasons.

Read the article.

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