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These Gawker Jurors Don’t Care That a Billionaire Funded Hulk Hogan’s Lawsuit

The outrage following last week’s revelation that Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel had funded Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit against Gawker Media LLC wasn’t just about a rich guy throwing his money around; it was about a rich guy secretly throwing his money around, writes Joshua Brustein for Bloomberg Technology.

The information about Thiel’s financial involvement was kept from the jurors in the case.

“It turns out that the jurors wouldn’t have cared, anyway,” Brustein writes. “At least, that is what two of them said when asked about Thiel’s involvement. In a conflict involving an aggrieved professional wrestler and a snarky gossip website, a plot twist involving a shadowy technology billionaire didn’t seem that shocking.”

Read the article.



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