Counsel News and Events for Attorneys and Executives

Tag: Events

How to Sell Solar to Your Local Bank

How to Sell Solar to Your Local Bank

Solar Power World offers a free one-hour on-demand webinar on financing small commercial and residential projects through smaller, less institutional funding organizations.

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How Effectively Are You Managing Value Leakage in Your Sourcing Contracts?

EVENT: April 1, 9 a.m. CDT
The Everest Group will present a complimentary one-hour webinar in which experts will discuss effective value sourcing across across a variety of topics.

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Legal Counsel and Contract Management

Legal Counsel and Contract Management

A new presentation highlights the most important reasons for general counsel and outside legal counsel to use contract management as a bridge to the business. Avoid contracts being “filed and forgotten.” Learn how business lawyers can add tangible value for the business client.

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Five U.S. Alternative Fuel and Advanced Vehicle Trends to Watch

Five U.S. Alternative Fuel and Advanced Vehicle Trends to Watch

ICF International presents a webinar discussing the post–American Recovery and Reinvestment Act outlook for the alternative fuel vehicles industry and shares new trends related to plug-in electric, biofuel, natural gas, propane, and hydrogen-fueled vehicles.

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Developing an Incident Response Plan

Developing an Incident Response Plan

The International Legal Technology Association presents a free on-demand webinar that discusses how to develop and maintain an effective data breach response program.

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Unknowns in Methane Emissions from Shale Gas Production

Unknowns in Methane Emissions from Shale Gas Production

Penn State Extension has posted online a recorded webinar about the current state of knowledge of methane emissions from the production of shale gas and the importance of learning more about the effects of those emissions.

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Effective Processes for Anti-Bribery and Corruption Compliance

Effective Processes for Anti-Bribery and Corruption Compliance

In Part 2 of its Anti-Bribery & Corruption Webinar Series, Aruvio presents a free on-demand webinar showing the importance of an organization showing that it has a strong, defensible compliance program in place that mitigates both risk and exposure to investigations.

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Managing Transactional Risk: How to Use Insurance Capital to Solve Deal Issues

Managing Transactional Risk: How to Use Insurance Capital to Solve Deal Issues

Marsh USA offers a free on-demand webinar in which a panel of risk experts provide real-world examples of deal issues and how the insurance market can be accessed to solve them.

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How Medicare Affects Employer Health Coverage

How Medicare Affects Employer Health Coverage

EVENT: April 7, 1 p.m. CDT
Benefit Express will present a free webinar reviewing the topic of Medicare and how it can affect Employers Health Coverage offerings.

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Learn How Enterprise CLM Helps Maximize the Strategic Value of Contracts

Learn How Enterprise CLM Helps Maximize the Strategic Value of Contracts

Selectica presents a free on-demand webinar on the management of Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) systems.

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How Effective is Your Existing Contract Management?

How Effective is Your Existing Contract Management?

Icertis Inc. has posted a complimentary on-demand webinar discussing the value of gauging the effectiveness of a company’s existing contract management system.

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The Future of the Electric Grid: Energy Consumer as Energy Producer

The Future of the Electric Grid: Energy Consumer as Energy Producer

The National Conference of State Legislatures has posted a free on-demand webinar about new challenges introduced as commercial, industrial and residential consumers are investing in technologies to increase energy efficiency and generate their own energy.

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Natural Gas: The Summer of Oversupply?

Natural Gas: The Summer of Oversupply?

Platts and Bentek Energy have posted a free on-demand webinar that takes a look at the outlook for natural gas supply, concluding that this could be the summer of oversupply.

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Attaining Enterprise Policy Compliance for Managing Spreadsheet Risk

Attaining Enterprise Policy Compliance for Managing Spreadsheet Risk

Aruvio presents an on-demand webinar discussing the management fo spreadsheet risk and enforcement of spreadsheet polices at all enterprise levels.

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Fracking and Farming: Risk Management for Agribusiness

Fracking and Farming: Risk Management for Agribusiness

The International Risk Management Institute has posted a free on-demand webinar that provides an overview of the hydraulic fracturing process, including its relevant exposure to ranch and farm owners and the inherent risks as passive exposure or active participant.

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Does EPA’s Clean Power Plan Threaten Reliability?

Does EPA’s Clean Power Plan Threaten Reliability?

Advanced Energy Economy presents a free on-demand webinar discussing how advanced energy technologies can be utilized by grid operators to safeguard reliability as states modernize their electric power systems under the Clean Power Plan.

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BP’s Energy Outlook 2035

BP’s Energy Outlook 2035

BP has posted a free on-demand webinar mark the publication of the BP Energy Outlook 2035 (2015 edition).

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Safety Culture Before and After Bhopal

Safety Culture Before and After Bhopal

EVENT: March 11, 9:30 a.m. EDT
The Society of Petroleum Engineers will present a free webinar that will address some of the challenging questions about industrial safety that have arisen in the years since a chemical release in India killed thousands in 1983.

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PTAB Trial Practice: Insights from a Former USPTO Judge

PTAB Trial Practice: Insights from a Former USPTO Judge

EVENT: March 26, 11 a.m. CDT
Fitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery LLP presents a complimentary webinar, “PTAB Trial Practice: Insights from a Former USPTO Judge,” featuring Fitch Even counsel and former Administrative Patent Judge Kenneth W. Hairston.

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Women Networking Group Webinar – Marketing Yourself Through Social Media

Women Networking Group Webinar – Marketing Yourself Through Social Media

EVENT: March 10, 12 p.m. CST
The International Association for Contract & Commercial Management (IACCM) will present a webinar to help participants learn to master the methods for identifying potential opportunities and getting noticed through social media.

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