How to Sell Solar to Your Local Bank

Solar energy panelSolar Power World offers a free one-hour on-demand webinar on financing small commercial and residential projects through smaller, less institutional funding organizations.

Panelists for the event were drawn from some of the most innovative funding organizations in the country, the provider says.

The include:

-Scott Pellegrini, AVP of  Consumer Lending, Provident Credit Union
-Scott Wiater, President, Standard Solar
-Jeff Cowherd, Senior Vice President, First Green Bank
-Scott Hawkins, Chief Financial Officer, Technology Credit Corporation
-Mike McGuireCo-Founder, Wiser Capital

Watch the on-demand webinar.


How Effectively Are You Managing Value Leakage in Your Sourcing Contracts?

The Everest Group will present a complimentary one-hour webinar in which experts will discuss effective value sourcing across across a variety of topics.

The Wednesday, April 1, webinar will begin at 9 a.m. Central time.

Topics will include:

  1. Value Sourcing 101
  2. Best practices in measuring value realized from outsourcing
  3. Enhancing value through recommended service agreements
  4. Best practices in managing multivendor complexities
  5. Value sourcing governance

Get more information and register for the webinar.



Legal Counsel and Contract Management

General counsel and business lawyers often focus on the contract drafting and contract disputes. Clients, however, must work with contracts during the entire lifecycle of the agreement. Even in the best cases, important legal provisions are not tracked and monitored. In the worst cases, contracts are “filed and forgotten,” until a dispute arises.

Contract management bridges the gap between the lawyer’s carefully negotiated and drafted contract and the manager’s need for data to operate the business.

Berkman Solutions has posted a complimentary presentation about legal counsel and contract management.

Watch the presentation.


Five U.S. Alternative Fuel and Advanced Vehicle Trends to Watch

Electric car plugICF International presents a webinar discussing the post–American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) outlook for the alternative fuel vehicles (AFV) industry and shares new trends related to plug-in electric, biofuel, natural gas, propane, and hydrogen-fueled vehicles.

ICF’s alternative fuels team discusses the top five AFV trends:

  1. Demand in the medium- and heavy-duty sectors for natural gas and propane vehicles
  2. Strong growth in plug-in electric vehicles supported by state and utility incentives
  3. Innovation and growth in biofuels resulting from compliance markets
  4. Increased awareness and adoption of third-party leasing and ownership models for alternative fueling infrastructure
  5. New approaches for fleet management

Watch the on-demand webinar.


Developing an Incident Response Plan

Data security onlineThe International Legal Technology Association presents a free on-demand webinar that discusses how to develop and maintain an effective data breach response program.

The webinar is sponsored by IDT911 Consulting.

“You have an effective fire prevention program, but you still wouldn’t want to be caught without an evacuation plan. Similarly, you want to augment your data security program with a plan that directs the members of your firm what to do in the event of a data breach,” the firm says on its website. “Developing such a plan involves much more than posting a document on your intranet that will (hopefully, but probably not) be remembered and followed during the crisis.”

The speaker is Deena Coffman, Information Security Officer for IDT911 and the CEO of the subsidiary IDT911 Consulting. She has broad experience with providing guidance to clients on technology, data privacy and security, electronic discovery, advanced search and data analytics.

Watch the on-demand webinar.


Unknowns in Methane Emissions from Shale Gas Production

Penn StatePenn State Extension has posted online a recorded webinar about the current state of knowledge of methane emissions from the production of shale gas and the importance of learning more about the effects of those emissions.

The webinar covers why we care about methane emissions into the atmosphere, including a primer on methane’s role in the earth’s climate, the current state of knowledge of these emissions, methods used to measure methane emissions from gas production, and the current research to improve our knowledge of methane emissions from gas production activities.

The presenter is Kenneth J. Davis, Professor in the Department of Meteorology and Earth and Environmental Systems Institute at Pennsylvania State University.

Watch the on-demand webinar or download the slides.


Effective Processes for Anti-Bribery and Corruption Compliance

In Part 2 of its Anti-Bribery & Corruption Webinar Series, Aruvio presents a free on-demand webinar showing the importance of an organization showing that it has a strong, defensible compliance program in place that mitigates both risk and exposure to investigations.

The distributed and dynamic nature of business makes anti-bribery & corruption compliance a challenge. Compliance must be an active part of the organization and its culture to prevent and detect corruption, bribery and fraud, Aruvio says on its website. This continuous process must be monitored, maintained and nurtured. Ultimately, the best offense is a good defense: an organization must be prepared to show that it has a strong, defensible compliance program in place that mitigates both risk and exposure to investigations, penalties and possible prosecution.

Part 2 of this webinar series examines how you can enhance your enterprise’s anti-bribery and corruption compliance.

Watch the on-demand webinar.


Managing Transactional Risk: How to Use Insurance Capital to Solve Deal Issues

Risk signMarsh USA offers a free on-demand webinar in which a panel of risk experts provide real-world examples of deal issues and how the insurance market can be accessed to solve them.

The topics include representations and warranties, tax and indemnity insurance, contingent liability insurance, political risk insurance for private equity investments in emerging markets, non-payment coverage for commercial contracts or debt transactions, kKey life and disability policies, environmental insurance, and environmental liability buyouts.

Watch the on-demand webinar.



How Medicare Affects Employer Health Coverage

StethoscopeBenefit Express will present a free webinar reviewing the topic of Medicare and how it can affect Employers Health Coverage offerings.

The webinar will be Tuesday, April 7, at 1 p.m. Central time.

The topics will include employer secondary rules, COBRA, notice requirements and reporting requirement.

Benefit Express Services, LLC was established in 2001. It’s a benefits administration solutions firm that provides HR professionals with the tools and services necessary to simplify the benefits administration process.

Register for the webinar.


Learn How Enterprise CLM Helps Maximize the Strategic Value of Contracts

Selectica presents a free on-demand webinar on the management of Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) systems.

Too many departments operate in silos with separateCLM systems, Selectica says on its website. Contracts and the valuable data they contain are often locked away in formats that are difficult to integrate into sell-side or buy-side transaction systems, which require retrieval of critical information.

An Enterprise CLM (ECLM) approach gives you greater access, visibility and control to achieve cost savings, workflow efficiencies, increased compliance, reduced risk and more.

Watch the on-demand webinar.


How Effective is Your Existing Contract Management?

Icertis Inc. has posted a complimentary on-demand webinar discussing the value of gauging the effectiveness of a company’s existing contract management system.

On its website, Icertis says this webcast discusses how businesses in today’s time demand enhanced visibility into contracts to identify and prioritize risks and gain assurance over contract compliances.

The webinar also highlights the best practices and tools to help organizations strengthen their existing contract management framework.

Watch the on-demand webinar.


The Future of the Electric Grid: Energy Consumer as Energy Producer

Green energy electric plugThe National Conference of State Legislatures has posted a free on-demand webinar about new challenges introduced as commercial, industrial and residential consumers are investing in technologies to increase energy efficiency and generate their own energy.

While these efforts can be beneficial for utilities and their customers, the rapid growth of these technologies introduces new challenges by increasing variability in the system and creating two-way energy flows.

On its website, NCSL says that transactive energy systems rely on a market-based approach to address these challenges, promoting grid reliability while reflecting the evolving role of customers as both generators and consumers. This webinar explores transactive energy systems and what they mean for customers, utilities and state policymakers.

Watch the on-demand webinar.


Natural Gas: The Summer of Oversupply?

Platts and Bentek Energy have posted a free on-demand webinar that takes a look at the outlook for natural gas supply, concluding that this could be the summer of oversupply.

Presenters discuss such issues as: where natural gas storage will be this spring and summer, how regional gas prices will respond to the insurgent Northeast natural gas, how the summer price strip is responding to market conditions, what the expectations are for coal-to-gas switching, what key prices and fundamentals should be watched as the summer approaches, and more.

Leading the discussion are Patrick Badgley, Associate Editor of Platts, and Anne Swedberg, Manager of Quantitative Analysis at Bentek Energy.

Watch the on-demand webinar.

Attaining Enterprise Policy Compliance for Managing Spreadsheet Risk

Graph and calculatorAruvio presents an on-demand webinar discussing the management fo spreadsheet risk and enforcement of spreadsheet polices at all enterprise levels.

Data and information captured on spreadsheets may be the most critical components for running any business, Aruvio says on its website. At the enterprise level, the overwhelming volume of existing spreadsheets and documented data creates incredible risk for displacement, loss or improper modification.

Managing this spreadsheet risk and enforcing spreadsheet policies at all enterprise levels is crucial for achieving successful Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC).

Watch the on-demand webinar.


Fracking and Farming: Risk Management for Agribusiness

The International Risk Management Institute has posted a free on-demand webinar that provides an overview of the hydraulic fracturing process, including its relevant exposure to ranch and farm owners and the inherent risks as passive exposure or active participant. Graphics show the extent of exposure in the agribusiness U.S. geography.

On its website, the IRMI says a case study of a “fracking” claim is presented with a discussion of relevant coverage concerns. A hypothetical of risk management and transfer options based on a potential land lease by an agribusiness customer to a hydraulic fracturing driller is explored.

“Attendees can obtain a deeper understanding of how to better evaluate environmental exposures related to hydraulic fracturing operations in proximity to agricultural operations,” IRMI says. “After listening to this webinar, you will understand how to assist your clients or your company in identifying and managing the risks.”

Watch the on-demand webinar.



Does EPA’s Clean Power Plan Threaten Reliability?

High power - electric- gridAdvanced Energy Economy presents a free on-demand webinar discussing how advanced energy technologies can be utilized by grid operators to safeguard reliability as states modernize their electric power systems under the Clean Power Plan.

The North American Electricity Reliability Corporation (NERC) issued a report in November that raised questions about the potential impact of EPA’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) on the reliability of the electric system, AEE says on its website.

In this technical review of the NERC report commissioned by the Advanced Energy Economy Institute (AEEI), the Brattle Group explores the technology, operational, and market options that will allow states and power system operators to meet CPP requirements without compromising reliability.

Watch the on-demand webinar.

BP’s Energy Outlook 2035

BPBP has posted a free on-demand webinar mark the publication of the BP Energy Outlook 2035 (2015 edition).

The webinar features Bob Dudley, group chief executive, and Spencer Dale, group chief economist.

The study conducted by BP found that continuous change is the norm for energy markets, particularly in a changing energy mix, changing energy trade patterns, and possible changes to the carbon emissions path.

The on-demand presentation includes a recorded question and answer session.

Watch the on-demand webinar.


Safety Culture Before and After Bhopal

Work injury claim formThe Society of Petroleum Engineers will present a free webinar that will address some of the challenging questions about industrial safety that have arisen in the years since a chemical release in India killed thousands in 1983.

The 90-minute webinar will be Wednesday, March 11, at 9:30 a.m. Eastern time.

A lax safety culture contributed to the accident and to the extreme consequences of the accident, said the SPE on it website.

“It is generally accepted that safety culture is much different (much better) now.  But categorizing and measuring culture is difficult, so it is hard to say how much different safety culture is today.  Further culture varies with place, industry, company, plant, task, etc. Bhopal certainly had an impact, but so did other things.  This webinar will tackle some challenging questions such as – ‘How is safety culture different today?’ and ‘What impact did Bhopal have?’  ‘Did it have more impact on design or on operations?’ ”

Register for the webinar.


PTAB Trial Practice: Insights from a Former USPTO Judge

Fitch EvenFitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery LLP presents a complimentary webinar, “PTAB Trial Practice: Insights from a Former USPTO Judge,” featuring Fitch Even counsel and former Administrative Patent Judge Kenneth W. Hairston. The webinar will take place on Thursday, March 26, 2015, at 9 a.m. PDT / 10 a.m. MDT / 11 a.m. CDT / 12 noon EDT.

With the rise of post-issuance proceedings, an increasing number of lawyers are presenting to the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) with little prior experience, the firm says in a realese. Moreover, the makeup of the PTAB has changed significantly in the past four years, tripling in size from about 75 judges to over 225 judges, many of whom lack substantial judicial experience. That, along with the large backlog of ex parte and inter partes cases pending before the PTAB, can greatly affect post-issuance proceedings. So what should petitioners and patent holders know as they approach a post-issuance review? And what’s behind the relatively high fees in these proceedings?

During this program, Ken Hairston will share his insights on trial practice before the PTAB, addressing these topics and more:
• How to gain a judge’s attention in a post-issuance proceeding
• How the backlog of PTAB cases may impact your post-issuance proceeding
• Understanding the costs involved
• How to work with PTAB trial practice rules to save time and money
• Sound, effective approaches to conducting the litigation

Ken Hairston has provided IP law counsel for nearly 40 years, including 23 years serving as an Administrative Patent Judge at the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences (now known as the PTAB) at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Drawing upon the insight gained from his judicial work, Ken currently counsels clients on complex patent prosecution matters and patent office appeals, as well as administrative post-grant patent challenges.

CLE credit has been approved for California and Illinois and is pending in Nebraska. Other states may also award CLE credit upon attendee request. There is no fee to attend, but please note registration is required.

Register for the webinar.


Women Networking Group Webinar – Marketing Yourself Through Social Media

Social mediaThe International Association for Contract & Commercial Management (IACCM) will present a webinar to help participants learn to master the methods for identifying potential opportunities and getting noticed through social media.

The free webinar will  be Tuesday, March 10, at 12 p.m. Central time (4 p.m. in London and 12 a.m. in Singapore).

The event will cover new ways to showcase yourself through visual content:

  • 5 steps to a better personal brand
  • Get noticed on Social Networking sites
  • Looking beyond the major jobs boards

The presenter will be Suzanne Birch, CEO IACCM Resourcing USA and MD Campbell Birch UK.

Register for the webinar.