Counsel News and Events for Attorneys and Executives Trying to Avoid Penalties in Light of Rulings

Scales of is arguing in federal court that it shouldn’t be forced to pay penalties for gift certificates it sold in the past, penalties that could go as high at $1 million.

The company has been defending itself since 2010 against the class action suit filed by two New Jersey residents who bought gift certificates from its website, reports the Chicago Daily Herald.

From the Daily Herald:

Larissa Shelton and Gregory Bohus are suing on behalf of themselves and others over certificates that had expiration dates and a disclaimer in violation of New Jersey law. That is no longer in dispute after being argued before the New Jersey Supreme Court.

What a U.S. Court of Appeals will decide is whether the rulings can be applied retroactively, in which case could have to pay a penalty of $100 each for certificates sold in the past — penalties that could total an estimated $1 million.

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