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Production is the Part You Don’t Want to Get Wrong

By on August 8, 2014 in E-Discovery, On-Demand Webinars

iCONECT and Avansici CONECT and Avansic offer a white paper and webinar on the production of documents provided through e-discovery and the issues that can arise. The white paper and webinar address the six common production issues and how to fix them.

Through many years of experience in creating e-discovery productions of documents that will meet the requests made by the other side, we’ve identified a number of issues that may arise, and offer suggestions on how to handle them, said a spokesman for Avansic. Issues include redaction, complex file types, numbering and more. Solutions can lie in the steps before production, particularly during review.

A white paper on the subject is also available at

Avansic’s CEO, Dr. Gavin W. Manes, and iCONECT’s President and Co-founder, Ian Campbell, will also be offering a free webinar on this topic. The webinar will take place on Sept. 9, 1-2 p.m. EDT. Please RSVP for login information to Beth Downing at

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