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Keep Learning While Your Case Is in Limbo: Seven Ways to Use the Pause

“One after another, like dominos, court systems are shutting down or moving to drastic restrictions. In the process, court dates are being pulled and cases are moving into limbo. As that happens to your own once trial-bound cases, you think, ‘What now?’ What do you do with the time that you now unexpectedly have as your case is put on pause?” asks Dr. Ken Broda-Bahm in Persuasive Litigator.

“Clients will often issue a ‘Stop work’ notice, thinking, ‘Let’s put a pin in it, package everything so it’s fresh, then revisit the situation down the road, closer to the new date.’ Limiting the expenses is, of course, a worthwhile goal, particularly now that the economy is moving into limbo as well. But sometimes, the decision to call an abrupt and complete halt can be more penny-wise than actually wise. When a pause is created, not just by the current Coronavirus measures, but by any delay or uncertainty over a court date, that pause can be an opportunity.”

In this post, Dr. Broda-Bahm shares seven ideas on how to make the best use of an unexpected delay.

Read the article.

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