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Climate Goals Will Boost Renewable Energy, but Fossil Fuel Still Has Life

By on November 23, 2020 in Energy

“Addressing climate change and its effects is one of President-elect Joe Biden’s top four priorities. Growing the clean-energy sector will be necessary to achieve his new administration’s goal of economy-wide, net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest, a 2035 target for a ‘carbon pollution-free power sector’ and plans to rejoin the 2015 Paris Agreement, from which President Donald Trump announced the US would withdraw, an action that took effect on Nov. 4,” write Corinne Grinapol, Mary B. Powers, Pam Radtke Russell, and Debra K. Rubin in Engineering News-Record.

“That global agreement sets a collective goal of limiting CO₂ rise in the 21st century to under 2° C above pre-industrial levels, with each country submitting specific reductions. The U.S. had initially pledged to cut, by 2025, greenhouse gas emissions to 26%-28% below the 2005 level, as well as strive for an overall 28% emissions reduction.”

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