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You Can Do Good in Biglaw These Firms Show How it Can be Done

By on November 3, 2021 in Law Firm Management

“Whether it’s 100% deserved or not, Biglaw has an unfortunate reputation. Like, you go to law school to save the turtles, but the Biglaw money is so good and the student loans so bad that you wind up graduating and working for Wolfram & Hart defending Goliath Corporation over their latest oil spill,” reports Kathryn Rubino in Above The Law.

“The truth is there’s a lot of money on the table and it can be difficult to turn that down, so maybe you compromise a little of the kind of work you imagined doing when you applied to law school. But the good news is that some Biglaw firms are doing the work to do good and now there’s a ranking to see how the firms’ efforts stack up.”

Read the article.


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