Wisconsin’s Opioid Settlement Law Cuts Off Cities from Suing for Damages
“Millions of dollars in opioid lawsuit settlement money are expected to start flowing into Wisconsin in late 2021or early 2022. Distributors of opioids are close to agreeing on a plan to pay $26 billion as part of a national lawsuit alleging the makers and sellers of opioids knowingly supercharged the opioid epidemic that has ravaged large parts of the United States. Lawsuits against manufacturers and retailers are ongoing and could result in similar sized settlements,” reports Zac Schultz in PBS Wisconsin.
“Four years ago, Wisconsin counties were some of the leaders in the country in filing the lawsuits, said Mark O’Connell, executive director of the Wisconsin Counties Association. After 71 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties united in filing suit, they were eventually joined by 2,400 units of government from around the nation.”