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Winter Natural Gas Outlook

By on December 9, 2014 in Energy, Oil & Gas, On-Demand Webinars

Oil and gas pipelineICF International presents a complimentary on-demand webinar featuring its gas experts discussing the outlook for the coming winter in the context of last year’s polar vortex and the subsequent performance of the North American natural gas market.

After exiting last winter with relatively low working gas levels, gas supply systems seem poised to enter the winter season in relatively good form, ICF says on its website.

Topics for the webinar include:

  • What could a rerun of last winter mean this year?
  • What lessons, if any, have been learned?
  • In the longer run, how is the outlook for liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports shaping up, and what other factors will drive the gas market going forward?

View the on-demand webinar.

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