Will Natural Gas Storage Go From Worst To Best In a Decade?
Should consumers begin to worry about the gas industry having adequate supplies for next winter? In a post on Shaleforum.com, publisher Keith Mauck says he thinks not. In fact, it is possible that the industry may go from lowest level of gas storage inventory to the best in the past decade, which speaks to important underlying industry trends, he says.
The storage injection pace is strong, he points out.
“Measured against the total volume of gas injected during the 2003 injection season, the industry so far this year has been able to inject up to this point 63% of the total volume injected during all of 2003,” Mauck writes. “That is positive, but it must be pointed out that at this point we have had 18 weeks of injection leaving 13-14 weeks remaining, or 42-44% of the season. On that basis, it seems that during this injection season the industry has been keeping up with the pace of gas injected into storage during 2003. If we continue that pace we will end the injection season with 3,406 Bcf of gas in storage – a healthy supply.”