Who Will Build Tomorrow’s Grid? Smart Grid & the Expertise Challenge

Energy CollectiveThe Energy Collective presents a free on-demand webcast asking the question: Is professional expertise in the field of electric smart grid technology available to meet expectations for rapid implementation?

An aging workforce, coupled with the complexities of a smart grid technologoy rollout, have created a large demand for qualified software developer and engineers in the power industry, wrote Jesse Jenkins of the Energy Collective. How can smartgrid stakeholders rise to this challenge and build new teams that will deliver on our high hopes for the smart grid?

He said the webcast addresses these questions:

  • Does a mismatch exist between the supply of qualified smart grid professionals and the demand for their work? What are the potential impacts?
  • What tactics are industry leaders employing to build the pool of smart grid experts?
  • How can organizations balance the desire for stable local, on-the-ground expertise with the frequent need to bring in skilled workers from abroad?
  • Where can we look for leadership in smart grid innovation and adoption, and which regions risk falling behind?

Watch the webcast.