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Whistleblower Law Firm Selects iCONECT-XERA Doc Review

By on December 9, 2015 in E-Discovery

iCONECT, developers of XERA e-discovery software, has announced that personal injury and whistleblower law firm Waters Kraus & Paul has selected XERA to help manage the firm’s e-discovery.

“After seeing XERA in action, we were very impressed with its dynamic search capabilities, as well as its ability to accurately locate documents with natural search queries using conceptual analytics technology,” said Vicki Via, MA, CEDS, Litigation Support, at Waters, Kraus & Paul.

In a release, iCONECT said the latest version of iCONECT-XERA includes a number of new features including the ability of legal teams to visualize data sets using conceptual clusters, intuitively displaying concepts from similar documents in a way that better illustrates the full spectrum of concepts, along with the number of documents associated with each concept, the ability to organize homepage tiles in groups making it easy for users to find information, and customization that allows firms and legal service providers the ability to create corporate branded portals, specific to the firm and/or project.

Read more about the announcement.


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