What Is the Worst Type of Online Privacy Policy … and Why Does it Matter?

“Even if the title is click-bait, this is not a trick question. There is one type of online privacy policy that is objectively worse than all of the others. It does not relate to when it was created, whether it was crafted internally or by an outside expert, or even how much (if anything) you paid to prepare the privacy statement used on your startup’s website or mobile app,” warns Christopher Avery in Davis Wright Tremaine’s Privacy & Security Law Blog.

“The number one worst type of online privacy policy is one that a startup copies and pastes from another online service. Does this really happen? Yes – all the time. Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but some copiers are so egregious that they do not carefully check and remove the references to the other company before posting it to their website.”

Read the article.