What is the Twombly Motion-to-Dismiss Standard for Antitrust Cases?

“As a long-standing antitrust attorney in Europe, making the decision to move from Madrid to San Diego a few years ago to practice law in the U.S. has been a life-changing experience. Both personally and professionally. Learning from other cultures, colleagues, and languages is something I strongly recommend to everyone. It opens your mind and provides you with a different perspective about the world and yourself. And of course, that also applies to the practice of law,” writes Luis Blanquez in The Anti-Trust Attorney Blog.

“Indeed, when you move to a new jurisdiction you basically become a ‘newborn’ attorney, but with all your past experience in the backpack. That puts you in the best position to approach everything with a “fresh pair of eyes”, which in turn allows you to add value to your team and cases in a unique way.”

Read the article.