What Businesses Need to Know About the New California Privacy Rights Act of 2020

“Many races and initiatives that California voters considered on November 3 are still undecided, but Proposition 24, the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (the ‘CPRA’) isn’t one of them. The California electorate approved Proposition 24 by a comfortable margin – 56% of Californians voted in favor,” discusses Robert E. Braun in Cybersecurity Lawyer Forum.

“Like its predecessor the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (the ‘CCPA’), the impact of the CPRA won’t be felt immediately. It goes into effect on January 1, 2023, and many of its provisions are unclear and will require study. But all businesses that have a presence in California will need to consider its requirements, and given the scope of the law, addressing its requirements early will be essential.”

Read the article.