Webinar | The Benefits of Preparation: Employee Benefit Plan Considerations When Reopening your Business

Please join us for our webinar “The Benefits of Preparation: Employee Benefit Plan Considerations When Reopening Your Business.” This program will be a multi-speaker discussion focused on benefit plan issues employers should be considering when employees return from furlough or are rehired. The issues discussed will include practical considerations for retirement, health and welfare, and executive compensation plans.

We will cover the following topics and related questions:
•Recent extensions to the deadlines for COBRA, special enrollment periods, benefits claims/appeals, employer notices, and other disclosures.
•The impact of reopening on 401(k) and other defined contribution retirement plans (including 403(b) plans), as well as defined benefit pension plans, including eligibility and vesting.
•The impact of reopening on health and welfare plans, and cafeteria plans, including discussion of Affordable Care Act waiting periods and break in service rules.
•Executive compensation issues, such as the impact of recent pay cuts and considerations for deferred compensation plans and stock options

During registration, registrants will be prompted to provide the questions that are top of mind for them. We will spend a portion of this webinar addressing the questions submitted during registration and during the live webinar.
