Video: Utility Bill Auditing

EnergyCAPEnergyCAP has posted a complimentary on-demand webinar featuring 20 key tests for auditing utility bills.

Steve Heinz, a Professional Engineer and Certified Energy Manager and the Founder and CEO of EnergyCAP, Inc., is the webinar presenter.

On its website, EnergyCAP says Heinz discusses the importance of date audits for energy analysis, challenges and solutions for consumption audits in swing seasons, advantages of cost per day audits, and billed demand and load factor audits and explanations.

EnergyCAP, Inc. publishes energy management software to help organizations get value from utility bills. Over the past 30 years, more than 10,000 energy managers in 3,000 organizations have tracked $25 billion in energy spending using EnergyCAP software, the firm says.

View the on-demand webinar.