Vichara to Host Webinar on Big Data in Capital Markets
Vichara Technologies will host a free webinar titled “Managing Financial Risk and Regulation with Big Data” focusing on how Big Data is being used in capital markets to manage financial risk and regulatory compliance.
The webinar will be Sept. 18 at 11 a.m. Eastern time.
Michael How, CTO at Vichara Technologies, will be the presenter for the webinar. He will highlight some of the success stories of Vichara’s clients and describe how Big Data is evolving in capital markets to uncover unique opportunities and manage risks.
Leveraging HP Vertica’s big data analytics platform, Vichara has designed software solutions to manage complex structured finance products’ risk and valuations. Using these solutions, Vichara’s clients:
- Analyse historical performance of loans using multiple billion row mortgage datasets
- Evaluate a multi billion dollar retail loan portfolio to meet regulatory requirements
- Develop and validate predictive models to analyse risks in Mortgage Backed Securities and validate accuracy of the models