US Energy Policy Must Comply with the Laws of Physics

“Fundamental law of physics that most of us learn in junior high says that work requires energy. It explains why the number of people employed in the society and the gross domestic product (GDP) they produce, strongly correlate with the rate of the energy consumption. Both numbers — people employed and the energy consumed — drop during a recession but go up during an economic boom,” opines Eugene M. Chudnovsky in The Hill’s Opinion.

“As we are facing negative consequences of climate change due to carbon emissions, the Biden administration has launched an effort to quickly replace some of the fossil fuel industry that currently provides 80 percent of the U.S. energy supply with renewable energy, such as solar and wind. This effort must be welcome because fossil fuels, besides their effect on climate, are a limited resource that will be exhausted by the end of the century if we keep using it at the current growing rate.”

Read the article.