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United Airlines Faces Rough Landing in Court If Passenger Sues

The Boston Herald is reporting that United Airlines — embroiled in controversy after it forcibly removed a doctor from an overbooked flight — could be in for a legal beatdown if the passenger takes the beleaguered carrier to court, according to legal experts.

Reporter Bob McGovern quotes Anthony Tarricone, a Boston attorney who has handled cases involving aircraft accidents and disasters: “I think they are going to have a serious legal issue on their hands. United might say they didn’t hurt him, and that it was security, but United set that situation in motion.”

“United CEO Oscar Munoz may have shot the company in the foot when he told the airline’s employees on Monday that they ‘followed established procedures,’” writes McGovern. “Instead of pegging the case on rogue security personnel, attorneys may be able to point to the statement as an acknowledgement that the company backed the behavior.”

Read the Boston Herald article.


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