Unexpected Side Effect: Breach of Contract Claims Related to COVID-19 Commissions

“Now in its 29th week, the Barnes & Thornburg Wage & Hour Practice Group’s COVID-19 related workplace litigation tracker has now analyzed 605 complaints filed across the United States, in 12 different categories. This week’s spotlight is on a category of COVID-19 related workplace complaints that have arisen in the context of businesses seeing increased revenue as a result of the pandemic,” post Caroline Dickey, Anthony K. Glenn, Mark Wallin and Peter J. Wozniak in Barnes & Thornburg’s Employment Law Blog Currents.

“Two such cases were brought by commission-based employees working in sectors of the economy that have experienced a boost in demand due to the pandemic: healthcare and sales of cleaning products. In both cases, the employees allege they earned large commissions in the first half of 2020 due to pandemic-related revenue, but that their employers have refused to give them their proper share of the windfall.”

Read the article.