U.S. Oil and Gas Deal Activity and Trends

PwC presents a complimentary on-demand webinar looking at deal activity in the oil and gas sector and asking what this means for 2015 M&A activity.

2014 was a significant year for U.S. deal activity in the oil and gas sector, PwC says on its website. The U.S. oil and gas deals market experienced unprecedented growth resulting in total deal value increasing by 133% relative to the preceding four year average with 2014 total deal value reaching $322 billion. Additionally, 2014 was an active year in the U.S. capital markets for oil and gas companies. However after an active deals year, recent oil and gas price declines have reintroduced volatility to the oil and gas sector at levels not seen since the financial crisis. The question now is what does this mean for 2015 M&A activity?

This webcast focuses on key themes found in the PwC quarterly M&A analysis along with our insights on deals done in the past year and what the deal market for 2015 may hold.

Watch the on-demand webinar.