U.S. Military and the Transition to a Clean Energy Future

Aircraft carrierEnvironmental Entrepreneurs (E2) has posted an on-demand webinar on the U.S. Department of Defense’s emergence as a leader in the nation’s transition to a more sustainable clean energy future.

On its website, E2 says the Defense Department is setting aggressive objectives to reduce its fossil fuel dependence and to accelerate deployment of low carbon renewable energy generation and energy efficiency technologies throughout its operations. In the process, the military is creating a strong market signal for growth and innovation in the clean technology sector.

Speakers are Assistant Secretary of the Navy Dennis McGinn on the Navy’s leadership in the military’s transition to clean energy; White House Federal Environmental Executive Kate Brandt on how DOD’s clean energy work supports the President’s broader climate goals; Constellation Energy Executive Director for Public Sector Business Development John Dukes on opportunities these military initiatives provide to the private sector; and E2 Press Secretary Jeff Benzak who discusses E2’s newly launched military energy website highlighting strategic renewable energy and energy efficiency projects on military installations around the country.

Watch the on-demand webinar.