Trump’s Victory Has Enormous Consequences for the Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme CourtThe political earthquake that hit Tuesday night has enormous consequences for the Supreme Court, swallowing up Judge Merrick Garland’s ill-fated nomination and dismantling Democratic hopes for a liberal majority on the high court for the first time in nearly a half-century, writes Robert Barnes for The Washington Post.

At some point next year, the nine-member court will be restored to full capacity, once again with a majority of Republican-appointed justices. Democrats in the U.S. Senate may try to filibuster Trump’s choice for the court, but Republicans could change Senate rules to remove that option for Supreme Court nominations.

In his article, Barnes predicts” “Trump’s upset victory likely changes the court’s docket as well: Court challenges to President Obama’s regulations regarding the Affordable Care Act and immigration, which have preoccupied the justices in recent terms, will likely disappear under a President Trump and a Republican-controlled Congress.”

Read the article in The Washington Post.