Trump Goaded Bloomberg Into Planning a Presidential Campaign. Why He Probably Won’t Run

Michael Bloomberg

Photo by Rubenstein

Though many have dismissed the prospect of a Michael Bloomberg run for president as a third-party candidate as pure fantasy due to the challenging electoral math, a source close to Bloomberg says their research shows he would have a good chance in a Trump versus Sanders race, reports New York magazine.

The sources say the former NYC mayor could easily pass the 270 electoral vote mark by winning in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Florida, Maryland, California, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina and Texas.

“And yet … Hillary Clinton’s post–New Hampshire recovery and crushing Super Tuesday victory has tempered Bloomberg’s lust for the highest office in the land. He’s told friends he does not want to challenge Clinton directly. ‘He doesn’t want to be Ralph Nader,’ a close friend says. Bloomberg and Clinton have maintained a respectful relationship over the years. In fact, in 2012, Bloomberg lobbied her to run for mayor as his successor. At the very least, he is comforted by the fact that the Democratic nominee likely won’t be an avowed socialist,” the story says.

Read the article.