Translation Solutions as a Preventive Tool in Anti-Corruption

Merrill Brink International, a leading global provider of language solutions for global companies and law firms, has published a new white paper, “From ‘Detect’ to ‘Prevent’: Translation Solutions as a Preventative Tool in Your Anti-Corruption Program.” Thomas R. Fox, a veteran legal expert and author of several award-winning books on FCPA and UK Bribery Act anti-corruption compliance programs, authored the white paper.

The white paper provides valuable insights and addresses the following issues:

– Which language resources to choose if/when your organization is accused of fraudulent activity
– The role of language localization in developing corruption prevention and detection programs
– When/how to leverage “in-country” resources and professional language translation providers
– How to choose the right language solution partner for your compliance program

Download Merrill Brink’s white paper.