Tom Girardi Owes $56.8M to Law Firms, Lit Funders and Other Creditors

“Famed plaintiffs attorney Tom Girardi is on the hook for at least $56.8 million, according to the Chapter 7 trustee overseeing his estate,” reports David Thomas in Thomson Reuters Westlaw Today.

“In a 64-page report filed in Los Angeles bankruptcy court on Wednesday, Chapter 7 trustee Jason Rund of Sheridan & Rund, detailed the parties that have claims against the attorney, who was stripped of his law license earlier this month after a state court appointed his brother to manage his legal and financial affairs.”

“Girardi’s creditors include other law firms and litigation funders. The report doesn’t detail the circumstances surrounding the alleged debts. Rund and Robert Girardi’s attorney in the proceedings, Leonard Penda, did not respond to requests for comment.”

Read the article.