Tips for Taking Depositions by Videoconference in the Age of COVID-19

“In the last couple of weeks, nearly all in-person meetings have come to a grinding halt as the world hunkers down during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Litigators, whose practices frequently require in-person contact at depositions, mediations, and court proceedings, have scrambled to find a way to keep their cases on track,” discussed in Pierce Atwood’s Latest Updates.

“As the public health crisis progresses, litigators will have to adapt to an increasing number of social distancing mandates.  Traditional in-person depositions may simply not be feasible in the weeks (or even months) to come.”

“One way for litigators to avoid derailment of discovery is to transition depositions to videoconference.  But unlike the videoconference meetings that many of us are familiar with, taking a deposition by videoconference requires advance planning of logistics and technology.”

Read the article for “tips for videoconference depositions aim to keep your practice running smoothly while we weather COVID-19:”

Read the article.