Extending Your Compliance Team Without Expanding Your Budget

The Network Inc. will host a webinar on co-sourcing ethics and compliance Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2015, at 12 p.m. Eastern time.

“Companies choose to outsource or co-source various parts of their operations for many reasons, with budget and headcount at the top of the list. In ethics and compliance, companies have many opportunities to co-source elements of their ethics and compliance programs, beyond just the traditional hotline relationship,” The Network says on its website. “Co-sourcing brings a level of experience and expertise in a dedicated business partner, but is still a new concept for many practitioners.”

Participants will learn:

  • The benefits and potential drawbacks of co-sourcing
  • How to determine what to co-source and what to retain in-house
  • How to measure and maximize value and efficiency in a co-sourced model