The Supreme Court Delivers a Blow to Plaintiff Paradise

St. Louis archSt. Louis has been a destination of choice for attorneys going after companies that do business nationwide. But those days may be over, and drugmakers such as Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and Johnson & Johnson couldn’t be more relieved, according to Bloomberg Law.

After the U.S. Supreme Court in June struck a blow against so-called litigation tourism, the fallout in St. Louis was quick. “Within days, J&J, citing the Supreme Court ruling, won a mistrial in a case in which the families of three women blamed their deaths from ovarian cancer on use of the company’s talc products. Two of the families were from out of state,” report Bloomberg’s Margaret Cronin Fisk and Jef Feeley.

The reporters predict more challenges to come in St. Louis, where many non-resident plaintiffs have been flocking for years.

Read the Bloomberg article.


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