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The New US-Mexico Energy Relationship

By on September 9, 2014 in Energy, International, On-Demand Webinars

Platt'sGrowing Mexican gas demand will provide a key outlet for burgeoning Texas production and will compete with flows heading to the premium Southwest and SoCal markets.

Platts has posted a complimentary webinar on the subject.

On its website, Platts says that LNG imports into constrained southern Mexican markets will eventually be displaced by increasing Mexican production and US imports. Find out what is driving natural gas demand in Mexico, where gas in the US will be displaced and how infrastructure will be built to accommodate this developing market in this complimentary webinar.

Speakers are analyst Ross Wyeno and senior analyst Jim Kahler of Bentek Energy.

Platts says the webinar covers:

  • Texas production growth
  • Future of Mexican Energy reform and creation of a “free” market
  • LNG imports serving constrained markets
  • Mexican Power demand growth
  • Pipeline infrastructure build out and growing US exports

Watch the on-demand webinar.

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