The Mexican Government Against Wind Energy and Solar Power

“The government’s obsession with fossil fuels is clear, due to inscrutable causes unrelated to reason. However, it has reached implausible extremes. Now, through the National Energy Control Center (Cenace), and invading the powers of the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), it issued an agreement last Friday that prohibits operational tests of renewable power plants, and in practice blocks its operation and dispatch. It is unprecedented in the world. Although the health contingency is fallaciously used as an argument, in reality there are two reasons for this unjustifiable outrage,” reports reve.

“The first is the low operating costs of renewable power plants (solar and wind) – their zero marginal cost – which is why they are dispatched as a priority and economically exclude fossil fuel CFE plants. In the context of a sharp drop in electricity demand due to the economic collapse, the government wants to avoid competition. It aims to put into operation obsolete, inefficient and polluting fuel oil plants, under the pretext of stability of the electrical system in terms of voltage and frequency, accusing renewables of intermittency. In Mexico, renewables contribute 6 -7% of total energy generation. In Germany, Denmark, Italy, California, Texas, and in several Chinese provinces and in many other countries, the penetration of renewables ranges from 15 to 30% without affecting the stability of the electrical system. The entry of fuel oil plants instead of renewables will severely impact costs, including the CFE itself (Basic Supply). We are all going to pay for it through higher taxes and electricity rates.”

Read the article.