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The Lawyer at the Center of the Ukraine Vortex

By on October 20, 2019 in Administrative Law, Government

John Eisenberg, the attorney who is emerging as a central figure in the Ukraine scandal, is a quiet and unassuming presence in a White House dominated by more colorful personalities, according to a Politico report.

“He says little, frequently keeping his head down as he walks the halls of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building,” writes Politico’s Daniel Lippman. “He has few internal enemies. He’s not known to speak to reporters. He keeps such a low profile that, for a while, the president didn’t even know his name, repeatedly referring to him as ‘Mike.’”

One former colleague at the National Security Counsel called him “extremely paranoid,” while another said he never says anything when he can nod his approval and never puts anything in emails if he can say it to your face.

Read the Politico report.



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