The Key to a Successful CLM Implementation: A Proven 4-Phase Model

Your company is considering a CLM solution to digitally transform your contract management, but choosing the right platform is just the first step. After consulting stakeholders and selecting the technology, you don’t truly cross the finish line until the solution is effectively managing your contracting process AND adopted by end-users.

Join us for a 60-minute webinar to hear our experts discuss a proven and pragmatic 4-phase implementation model to get your contract management solution onboarded and adopted so that you can effectively leverage the technology to mitigate risk, increase compliance, and streamline your processes.

We’ll walk you through each step, including how to:

-Plan: Determine your CLM requirements, priorities, success criteria, and target go-live timeline
-Configure: Learn best practices for establishing users, roles, and access, as well as building out automated workflows, the contract request or intake process, and clause and template libraries
-Confirm: Test the configuration and make any last-minute adjustments
-Deploy: Provide training and access to users

You can’t afford a contentious, drawn-out, or even failed, CLM implementation. Learn the critical steps to set up your contract management solution for success.