Texas Businessman Lost $6 Million Investing in BP Litigation. Now He’s Blaming His Ex-Lawyers

Texas businessman Mas Duncan lost the nearly $6 million that he invested in a docket of claims against BP after the Deepwater Horizon spill. The money, as Reuters’ Alison Frankel explains, evaporated into an allegedly fraudulent scheme to manufacture tens of thousands of plaintiffs.

“Then when Duncan and his litigation finance company, Duncan Litigation Investments, tried to recoup the lost millions by suing the plaintiffs’ firms that allegedly benefited from his investment, he ran into timeliness problems,” according to the Reuters report.

Now DLI has filed a complaint blaming Duncan’s own former lawyers at Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz for failing to procure a tolling agreement that would have extended the statute of limitations on Duncan’s claims against the plaintiffs’ firm.

Read the Reuters article.