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Tag: White Paper

The Importance of Contracts for Joint Infringement in Patent Cases

White Paper
It’s a good idea to obtain contracts early in discovery to determine the strength of positions, and practitioners drafting contracts should be mindful of potential joint infringement implications, writes Foley & Lardner.

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Down With Periscope? Legal Issues Surrounding New Live Video Streaming Apps

Down With Periscope? Legal Issues Surrounding New Live Video Streaming Apps

Intellectual Property
Unfortunately for intellectual property rights holders, apps make it easier to for users to stream third-party content without permission.

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Fifth Circuit Finds Parties Can Authorize Arbitrators By Their Conduct

Fifth Circuit Finds Parties Can Authorize Arbitrators By Their Conduct

White Paper
Appellate court’s ruling reverses a district court finding that the court was the proper decision-maker on contract formation.

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The GC’s 30-Minute Breach Drill

The GC’s 30-Minute Breach Drill

White Paper
A data breach requires the general counsel to assess the situation quickly and be able to give a coherent initial report to the CEO.

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Vendor Risk Management: Conducting Pre-Contract Due Diligence

Vendor Risk Management: Conducting Pre-Contract Due Diligence

White Paper
If one of your vendors takes a hit, you could take the fall. Which begs the question: Do you have a clear picture of your vulnerability?

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The GRC Popularity Contest

White Paper
An entertaining look at the search trends for goverance, risk management, and compliance. Read what 10 years of search history reveals about preferences for GRC.

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Graphene IP – 2D or not 2D

White Paper
There’s been an almost exponential increase in worldwide patent publications relating to the graphene markete since 2006, and this is consistent with graphene first having been isolated in 2004 and the typical 18 month lag between filing and publication of a patent application.

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From Contract Management to Risk Management

From Contract Management to Risk Management

White Paper
Besides explaining risk management for legal professionals and contract managers, the article also outlines steps to develop and implement a framework to identify and track legal and compliance risks using contract examples.

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Introduction to Document Assembly and Contract Management

Introduction to Document Assembly and Contract Management

White Paper
The white paper provides an overview of document assembly and contract management solutions and gives an insight into what questions to consider when choosing software.

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FERC Revises Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Nomination Timelines

FERC Revises Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Nomination Timelines

White Paper
The Final Rule follows an extensive stakeholder process held by the North American Energy Standards Board involving the gas and electric industries, and multiple FERC technical conferences.

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Planning for Breach Notification Requirements in Your Customer Contracts

Planning for Breach Notification Requirements in Your Customer Contracts

White Paper
Companies should re-examine indemnification provisions and scale back open-ended obligations in light of the current data breach and regulatory environment.

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Beware Joint-Employment Doctrine in Health Care Contracting

Beware Joint-Employment Doctrine in Health Care Contracting

White Paper
A joint-employer relationship is often found to exist when one entity (such as a temporary-employment agency) hires and pays a worker, and another entity supervises the work.

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What is a Non-Disparagement Clause and Why You May Not Want to Sign One

What is a Non-Disparagement Clause and Why You May Not Want to Sign One

White Paper
Non-disparagement clauses have been enforced by a vast majority of state and federal courts, and proving that you have disparaged someone is not as hard as you think.

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High Court Allows State Law Antitrust Claims to Proceed Against Interstate Pipelines

High Court Allows State Law Antitrust Claims to Proceed Against Interstate Pipelines

White Paper
The court considered whether the Natural Gas Act pre-empts state law antitrust claims when the challenged conduct affects both federally regulated wholesale natural gas prices and non-federally regulated retail natural gas prices, reports Mintz, Levin.

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Independent Contractor Misclassification: How Companies Can Minimize the Risks

White Paper
Pepper Hamilton details three ways companies that use independent contractors can minimize or avoid future independent contractor misclassification exposure.

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Settlement Under EPA’s Energy Extraction Initiative Offers Insight

Settlement Under EPA’s Energy Extraction Initiative Offers Insight

White Paper
Advanced air emissions monitoring tools that EPA pursues in its settlements may expose settling companies to future litigation based not on the compliance demonstration method of the applicable air rule, but rather on broader Next Generation technology.

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DOE Highlights the Need to Modernize Aging US Energy Infrastructure

DOE Highlights the Need to Modernize Aging US Energy Infrastructure

White Paper
The administration’s report provides a detailed roadmap for modernizing the energy transmission, storage, and distribution system to make it more secure and resilient to the effects of climate change.

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Plain Packaging: Undermining the Power of Brands?

Plain Packaging: Undermining the Power of Brands?

White Paper
Balancing the interests of potential trademark owners who wish to market their goods and services under vulgar signs and those who might be offended by such marks has raised wider concerns about unnecessary restrictions on free speech.

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The ‘New’ Mexico: The Status of Mexico’s Energy Reform and How U.S. Companies Can Benefit

The ‘New’ Mexico: The Status of Mexico’s Energy Reform and How U.S. Companies Can Benefit

White Paper
The questions to consider are: what are the opportunities, what are the challenges, and how can U.S. companies make this groundbreaking change work for them?

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10 Common Mistakes U.S. Employers Make When Trying to Comply With Employment Laws

10 Common Mistakes U.S. Employers Make When Trying to Comply With Employment Laws

White Paper
Many employers think they understand employment laws like the Fair Labor Standards Act, only to find out – after costly litigation – that they were just plain wrong.

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