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Tag: Noncompetes

Noncompete Agreements Aren’t Enforceable, Are They?

While courts frequently comment that restrictive covenants are “disfavored in the law,” they can be enforced if they meet certain standards.

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Non-Competition Agreements: Ensuring Enforceability

A non-competition agreement raises state-law public policy concerns. As a result, states often restrict the scope of non-competition agreements before they will enforce them, warns Mark Koogler in Porter Wright Morris & Arthur’s Federal Securities Law Source.

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Careful Drafting of Non-Competes and Other Restrictive Covenants Can Save the Day

It generally is a defense to a breach of contract claim if the defendant proves that the plaintiff was the first one to materially breach the parties’ agreement, writes Shep Davidson for The In-House Advisor.

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2016 Year in Review: Trade Secrets and Non-Compete Developments

Event, Nov. 30, 1 p.m. EST
Many businesses progressively fear that their trade secrets and valued business relationships are at risk of attack by competitors – and even by their own employees. Do you know what it takes to protect those critical assets in the ever-changing world of trade secret and non-compete law?

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NY Attorney General Sends a Message: Re-Think Non-Compete Agreements

NY Attorney General Sends a Message: Re-Think Non-Compete Agreements

Barbara E. Hoey and Dustin E. Stark of Kelley Drye’s Labor and Employment group have a warning for New York employers – your non-compete agreements may be under attack.

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As Noncompete Agreement Use Expands, Backlash Grows

Noncompete agreements are becoming boilerplate in employment contracts, and for employees, there’s nothing good about them, writes Patrick Thibodeau in ComputerWorld.

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