$205K Settlement Reached, Then Rejected, in CT Lottery Whistleblower Case

“A bitter legal dispute between the Connecticut Lottery Corp (CLC) and one of its former top officials was on the verge of being resolved 2½ months ago. The opposing parties signed off March 10 on truce terms ranging from a $205,000 settlement price down to the exact wording of a script that would be read to any news reporter who asked about the case,” reports Jon Lender in Hartford Courant’s Government Watch.

“Signing a sheet of paper outlining the settlement terms were lottery CEO Greg Smith and ex-CLC security director Alfred DuPuis. The latter had spent most of 2019 in quasi-judicial administrative hearings to determine whether he should be compensated for retaliation he claimed he’d suffered for blowing the whistle on problems at the CLC dating back five years.”

“All that remained was for the lottery’s board of directors to approve what its paid lawyers and its $207,000-a-year CEO had agreed to.”

Read the article.