Counsel News and Events for Attorneys and Executives

Tag: Events

Energy Webinar: Success Through Process Management

Aconex has posted a free webinar discussing the finer points of process management in energy industry projects.

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The Gulf Coast: The World’s Factory Floor for Refined Products

The Gulf Coast: The World’s Factory Floor for Refined Products

The region’s refineries churn out massive amounts of clean products onto an immense system of pipelines and ports, shipping to far-flung parts of the world at competitive costs.

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How Accessible Are Your Contracts in 2015?

How Accessible Are Your Contracts in 2015?

Seal Software offers a free on-demand webinar on contract fundamentals needed to extract the maximum value from your contracts.

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Delivering Successful Ediscovery Projects Across the Globe

Delivering Successful Ediscovery Projects Across the Globe

E-discovery is approached differently in almost every country around the world, and international ediscovery best practices are evolving quickly in response to international litigation and investigations

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Contract Management: Build Relationships in Business

Contract Management: Build Relationships in Business

EVENT, April 27
Learn how a person’s or organization’s objectives – and those of their customers and suppliers – can be achieved in an effective way, without threat or failure.

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HIPAA Compliance and Electronic Protected Health Information

HIPAA Compliance and Electronic Protected Health Information

EVENT: April 21, 2 p.m. CDT
One class of electronic Protected Health Information bearing technology remains rather mysterious – medical devices.

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Environmental Assessment of Natural Gas in Transportation

A free on-demand webinar from the UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment, and the Economy compares the carbon intensity of natural gas and diesel long haul trucks.

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Spring eDiscovery Case Law Update

Spring eDiscovery Case Law Update

A webinar from DTI will present a case law update that explores recent court decisions related to eDiscovery. These cases impact tactics and strategies organizations should consider to help control their eDiscovery costs and risks.

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Webinar: Gaining User Adoption for Your IT Application Rollout

Webinar: Gaining User Adoption for Your IT Application Rollout

Event: April 14, 10 a.m. CDT
Epiance Software will present a webinar April 14 to show how hundreds of companies, including HP, Accenture, Samsung, RBS, CapGemini and many more, use Epiplex500 for a range of transformation initiatives such as ERP rollouts and upgrades.

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Practical and Ethical Issues in Compensating Fact Witnesses

Practical and Ethical Issues in Compensating Fact Witnesses

Event: April 22, 11 a.m. CDT
Fitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery LLP presents a complimentary CLE webinar, “Practical and Ethical Issues in Compensating Fact Witnesses: Are the Benefits Worth the Headache?”, presented by Fitch Even partner Eric L. Broxterman.

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Every Drop Counts: How To Increase Production With Fewer Wells

Every Drop Counts: How To Increase Production With Fewer Wells

A free on-demand webinar from P2 Energy Solutions addresses the importance of exception-based surveillance processes in the oil production business, which pinpoint production anomalies and alert teams to these issues in near real time.

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Three Dynamics Reshaping Renewables and the Grid

Three Dynamics Reshaping Renewables and the Grid

DNV GL gathered views from more than 1,600 energy sector participants across 71 countries on a scenario in which renewables account for 70% of power sector generation.

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Licensing for the Government Contractor

Licensing for the Government Contractor

A free on-demand webinar from Thompson Coburn explains the background, the issues, and the rules that apply to licensing in the government arena.

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Integrated Reserves Analysis: Finding Opportunity in Low Oil Prices

Integrated Reserves Analysis: Finding Opportunity in Low Oil Prices

A free on-demand webinar offered by P2Energy Solutions shows how you can uncover hidden opportunities through reserves visualizations and get the most out of the current market.

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HR & Compliance Web Summit

An all-day webinar presented by Paycor — and now offered on-demand — features a series of one-hour sessions focused on the topics that are most relevant to today’s business leaders, from the Affordable Care Act to employee engagement and retention. The series consists of six separate webcasts that can be viewed individually.

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Exploring the Role of Natural Gas in U.S. Trucking

Exploring the Role of Natural Gas in U.S. Trucking

The UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment, and the Economy has posted a complimentary webinar on role of natural gas on trucking in the United States, presenting new research by the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies.

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M&A: Oil & Gas Activity in Review and Prospects for the Future

M&A: Oil & Gas Activity in Review and Prospects for the Future

How did the low-price environment impact merger and acquisition (M&A) activity for oil and gas companies in 2014, and what will low oil and gas prices in 2015 mean for the future?

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Applications of Division Order Title Opinions in Oil and Gas Development

A free on-demand webinar posted by Steptoe & Johnson provides an overview of Division Order Title Opinions and how they can be utilized.

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Falling Oil Prices: What You Should Be Doing

Falling Oil Prices: What You Should Be Doing

Warm Thoughts Communications presents a free on-demand webinar designed to help marketers make ends meet amid falling oil prices.

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Global LNG: Adjusting to New Realities

Oil & Gas Journal presents a free on-demand webcast looking at how global LNG trade will be affected over the next 12-24 months by falling crude oil prices and changing patterns and pressures of demand.

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