Delivery By Drone? Maybe When Pigs Fly, Says FAA

DroneThe enactment of new Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations governing unmanned aircraft systems – or “drones” – has companies and consumers alike dreaming of the stuff of science fiction, but if the new regulations are any indication, the FAA is in no rush to see those dreams become reality, write Sarah L. Bruno, Anthony V. Lupo and Daniel B. Jasnow of Arent Fox LLP.

The new regulations permit use of drones for some commercial purposes, but the FAA declined to clear the way for package delivery by drone, according to the article on the firm’s Behind the Scenes blog.

“Although not a blank check for commercial interests, the FAA’s new rule on commercial drone use likely signals just the beginning of a long regulatory debate over the commercial use of unmanned aircraft, as well as the potential safety and privacy concerns that should, or should not, influence such a debate,” the authors write.

Read the article.



10 Things to Know About Leasing and Financing Aircraft in the US

AirplaneAn article published by Norton Rose Fulbright outlines 10 important points of law to consider when leasing or financing aircraft in the United States, ranging from registration to dealing with insolvency.

Alyssa Marie Vazquez, a partner in the firm’s New York office, prepared the list.

Other topics include owners trusts, security perfection, New York choice of law, enforcement of foreign judgments, aircraft requisition, the law governing security over aircraft, deregistration of aircraft, and the use of Irrevocable De-Registration and Export Request Authorization.

Read the article.