Software Usability and the Effects on Legal Review Costs

Inside CounselFTI Consulting and Inside Counsel offer a free on-demand webinar titled “Use it, Don’t Lose It: Software Usability and the Effects on Legal Review Costs.”

Software ease-of-use is essential to reviewer productivity and containing legal review costs, Inside Counsel says on its website. It’s time to assess your process and learn a few simple ways to reduce the time and resources needed to drive a document review.

Attend this event to gain industry leader insight on how to run the most efficient legal review and improve your teams’ productivity.

Inside Counsel says participants can begin:

  • Ensuring your software’s user interface is supporting maximum reviewer productivity
  • Setting up effective dashboards to support multiple e-discovery team roles and workflows
  • Making review tool performance measurable and consistent by setting up efficiency reports and assessments

View the on-demand webinar.