Silicon Valley Star Gets Caught Up In One of the Nastiest Startup Lawsuits Ever


One of the founders of futuristic transportation start-up Hyperloop One has filed a wrongful termination suit against his former co-founder, alleging nepotism and harassment, CNN is reporting.

The company is competing to build a Hyperloop transportation system to transport people and cargo up to 760 mph in a partially pressurized tube.

“On the outside, Hyperloop One appeared to be leading the competition with plans to have a working Hyperloop by 2020.” report Heather Kelly & Laurie Segall. “Inside, the startup was apparently being torn apart by mismanagement and growing tensions between leaders, according to the lawsuit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on July 12.”

Plaintiffs allege the current leaders of the company gave  lucrative jobs and raises to relatives and, and in one case, a girlfriend, pocketed money themselves and harassed other employees.

Read the article.