Secure Electronic Delivery of Consumer Disclosures

Table computer with desktop work spaceSilanis Technologies has posted a free white paper special consideration required when delivering consumer disclosures online.

When delivering disclosures electronically, financial services companies gain the ability to control the process as well as gather comprehensive evidence to prove compliance with laws and regulations, Silanis says on its website. Consumers gain convenience and faster application processing. There are benefits for all involved. However, delivering consumer disclosures online requires special consideration. The key is to ensure all legal requirements are met in a way that provides a great customer experience and drives adoption.

This whitepaper takes a pragmatic look at how to do just that, and answers questions like:

  1. What are the benefits of secure e-disclosure delivery?
  2. What are the top legal and regulatory considerations?
  3. What are the best practices for implementing ESIGN requirements for e-disclosures?
  4. What does a well-designed disclosure delivery process look like?

Download the white paper.